Loved the Iron Maiden Pun!
Loved the Iron Maiden Pun!
Nice Props
I can see it wasnt for flash....
BUT u did use some good props and sounds...
A 3 for you
I heart Iron Maiden
The Trooper- Classic Iron Maiden! Good Choice
but that alone wont stop people from blamming this
Animation was ranged from good to SCARLY BAD
but i sang to the trooper...
You can have a 3
Good Flash...Too short
Its a good flash...i liked it...
Just it was far too short i dont think it should be a flash movie...more like a flash second or summin like that
Its a good flash BUT im pretty sure it might get blammed
Shame tho
well this is what humens call a "preview"
Thankyou...finally a good FIRST submition....
Dicks take notes...that was a good flash!
That was cool!
Decompression chamber!
That made me laugh^_^
Good flash...maybe make another?
MY friend that made me smile (and belive me todays been crap!)
You deserve five just for tht!
Good luck
Glad to be of service =)
HA!! Take that Girl...Then Take that Motorbike Man
Yer it was good...
Nice bit of flash
But try steering clear of stick (well chunky stick) people. Making a person using more than one colour will certainly boost your score in later movies
But i liked get 5
Pure Flash Brillience....
Make a tutorial on how to do such cool things like that...I WANT TO DO THAT TOO
o well
5 for you
You know what...that wasnt bad...
It just wasnt great
Your drawings are good...but not excellent
The music was good...But made me listen more than look...if that makes sense
I hope this doesnt get blammed...but sadly i think it will
Spot on review, this is how I feel about it. Thanks for the review funkyjunky.
Funkyjunky By Day & Night - Read my news :D
Age 33, Male
Mario and Maiden Fan
I dont go..... (shhhh)
A box in England
Joined on 2/19/05