Hi everyone.
You are proberly reading this to find out what moron badmouthed your flash.
Well take note:
When reviewing games I am looking for something original, unique and special.
I want to be able to play the game easily with not to many controls
I want to be able to play for hours, not till you gave up with the levels!
I want to leave playing and then comeback for more tomorrow
I want to see Actionscript in use, Physics, Gravity etc.
I want you to supprise me.
With movies I want to laugh or to cry or to be genrally effected by what you have produced.
I want to be able to quote the movies to my friends, making them laugh, cry etc.
I want to see good animation and graphics.
I want to see the effort put in, not hear about how you put it.
I want to actually feel how long it did take you to make this movie.
I want you to make a story I can relate to.
If you are making something un-original (eg. sprite movies) make them FUNNY or ORGINAL in thier own sense
YET AGAIN I want you to supprise me.
There is no use making excuses for example:
This is my first flash movie
My computer is slow
I am a n00b
I find it hard to draw with a mouse
I understand its hard but if you put real time and effort into what you create I wouldnt have to Vote 0 all the time.
ANYONE can do Flash. ANYONE but only the smart can make good flash games and movies because they will put time and effort before creating a masterpiece.
I myself am no expert, however I plan, test and put time into my movies before uploading them.
My Tips
My tips are simple to follow.
1. Take tutorials on newgrounds - CLICK HERE
2. Get the latest version of Flash, Ebay or Google it!
3. Think before you act - Are people just going to shout at you. Is your movie or game REALLY as good as it could be?
Once you have done something well you feel so pleased with yourself.
Its worth it
So thats my Advice
Good luck my friends and remember i'm here if yous till have trouble
Ed George - Funkyjunky
thats accually pretty great.
i knew it all though, but ill make sure noobs come to this news post :3
Yeah i think this is an important post :D